Character Statistics: DoSxDescendants fusion, Lost Kids


(data as of Academy Graduation, Dreaming of Sunshine Chapter Four; summoned to Konoha)



(data as of Sound Four Arc, Dreaming of Sunshine Chapter Sixty One; deployed as reinforcements)



(data as of Shippuden; summoned to Auradon)











A/N: Based on this brainstorm in which the Lost Kids of Descendants end up in the Naruto world for a few years before being summoned back to their original world.

I am way too fond of making these Character Statistics posts, but am clearly running out of teams to do. Anyone have any suggestions?

I’m also considering how to adapt this for other media–Katekyo Hitman Reborn seems like it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch, but I also don’t know the timeline of that series very well…

Fake Fic Challenge, any fandom, “In the Absence of Heroes” please!

In The Absence Of Heroes

Tragedies happen when the tropes are hungry and the heroes are in wrong goddamn story.

Good thing they aren’t heroes then.

Anon, this is very clearly a Disney’s Descendants fic in which the four Lost Kids end up in a different universe. I really don’t want re-use previous brainstorms because that seems a little unfair, but this would work PERFECTLY with that “Lost Kids in Naruto/DoS ‘verse and placed on the Konoha Twelve genin teams (to make Konoha Sixteen)” which is still, bizarrely, one of my favorites that I know for sure I will neeeeeever write.

Check out the link if you’re curious, since that would be my number one offering for this fake fic title/summary, but I guess I can come up with a runner up of sorts?

Hm let’s see…

Ugh, this is hard. Because, see, the great thing about the “Lost Kids in Naruto/DoS ‘verse” is that it really is a place without heroes. Or, rather, that heroes are relative there. Of course Naruto is the hero but he’s the hero of a society of mercenaries. Morality is different. Naruto doesn’t like killing and maybe it’s never been definitively shown that he has killed (I legit forget), but I’m pretty sure he has, at the very least, committed manslaughter via collateral damage to innocent people.

And this weirdly grey morality is something that I did get into in the brainstorm, but it just really fits for this prompt. I had, alternatively, considered more of a “In The Absence of Heroes… The Villains Step Up” type of direction but that seems almost too much of a stretch unless it’s–again, like another previous brainstorm Once Then Always – a world and a plot specifically crafted to turn them into heroes. And that itself has its own “morality is relative” sort of vibe. By getting rid of the White Witch the Lost Kids are, by default, the heroes regardless of their motivations or their process or what they do afterwards.

So what I’m saying is, this is still definitely a crossover but I’m not sure which morally ambiguous ‘verse to throw the Lost Kids into…

… A Song of Ice and Fire?

But I don’t think they’d go anywhere near the calamity that is Westeros–there are already far too many factions and subplots that if anything they’d just be a mere drop in the ocean, even though Mal is literally the daughter of a dragon–and there’s no real impetus like in the above mentioned brainstorms that would drive them towards any of the dozens of relevant primary protagonists.

Maybe Star Wars, but then comes the issue of when, where, and who. Like, okay, maybe Tatooine after Obi-Wan has brought Luke to the Lars couple but before the actual events of Episode IV. After he’s established himself as that weird hermit Old Ben, and time and the desert have worn away the worst of the hurts but not the entirety of his compassion.

Imagine Obi-Wan, about five to ten years into his self imposed exile, nothing but sand and his thoughts (and those pesky Tusken Raiders who are only now beginning to understand that he is not someone to be messed with) for company. Imagine him stumbling upon these four horribly ill-prepared children in the desert who might very well die if he doesn’t, at the very least, give them some water and point them in the direction of the nearest civilization.

Except three out of the four of them are, to some extent, Force sensitive. And he’s wary about letting them close, about caring–because look what happened to the last Force sensitive child he cared for, he went off and became a Sith Lord–but he’s also been living through the echoes of dying Jedi and he knows that these kids are as good as dead if he doesn’t, at the very least, teach them to hide their Force presence.

Obi-Wan is not actually that good at doing the very least.

The problem is, I like the contained plot of Obi-Wan finding the Lost Kids and training/teaching/raising them to varying extents (Carlos, despite not being Force sensitive whatsoever, is probably his favorite) and maybe that jump starts his mentorship with Luke? (Because now weird hermit Old Ben is now weird teacher Old Ben, and more connected with the “community.” And Obi-Wan thinks it’s not really fair to give these strangers nothing and not do the same for the boy that in a kinder world might have been his nephew of sorts).

But I don’t actually like what would logically follow next: the Lost Kids joining the Rebellion.  Because they would. They would have to. They were trained by one of the last Jedi and they definitely do not agree with the Empire (though their issue might be more a chaos vs conformity thing than a good vs evil thing).

… unless they join Saw Gerrera’s Partisans?

Which does seem in character–if the reason they leave Tatooine is because they’re becoming adults who want to do more and think Obi-Wan isn’t doing enough by just waiting on this desert planet, then I can very well see them joining the Rebel Alliance and thinking that they’re not doing enough, and so they split off and join the Partisans–though I’m not sure of the timing of everything. When did the Partisans split off? Would the Lost Kids being raised/trained by Obi-Wan help/hurt their cause? Etc. etc.

A foil to the Rogue One crew, I suppose.

I might also consider them appearing in Episode VII on Luke’s old Jedi temple planet, but without knowing how the following episodes will unfold, I’m hesitant to make any predictions there.

Hm… so yeah–here’s the runner up.

I have some more thoughts on this if anyone’s interested, but they’re more just random headcanons of this ‘verse as opposed to anything necessarily relevant.

Fake Fic Summaries, 19/? The Glimmering edition (2017-01-17)

A/N: Strangest thing–went to sleep after gorging my brain on Yuri on Ice fic and the  FFBE game and somehow dreamed of Descendants. So… that’ll teach me to presume wtf is going on in my head.


The Glimmering

They’ve known since the beginning that Auradon is not nearly as perfect as it would like to believe.

They could never have guessed just how right they were.

Wow, okay, so that’s a basically useless summary am I right? But the story goes pretty much like this:

Sometime after the first movie, the four Lost Kids are witness to Auradon Prep’s strangest and most horrifying tradition:

Every year, for one month, the school goes through what is only known as “The Glimmering.” In which for that month, there are no teachers, and the students are left to fend for themselves against weird demonic planar creatures.

It was a bit Battle Royale meets HP and the Chamber of Secrets? In that, the creatures don’t kill the students but they do petrify/erase their memories and, over all, it’s quite creepy really. At least on the Isle of the Lost everything was straightforward–here? Not so much.

I don’t know why, but for some reason the Lost Kids weren’t sticking together for it–maybe The Glimmering happens suddenly and they were in different classes on opposite sides of the campus? Or maybe students are expected to fight on assigned teams?

Oh, right, there’s a competition aspect. There’s a lot of different possible achievements (though who or how these judgements are made… maybe the missing teachers monitor the situation somehow?) such as most Glimmers killed individually, most Glimmers killed in a group, most impressive kill, etc. etc. Apparently, there’s one achievement that hasn’t been reached but which everyone kind of knows instinctively and that is to kill the Glimmer Monarch.

Though bewildered and horrified, the Lost Kids are, unsurprisingly, rather good at The Glimmering. Mal has magic, Evie allies with the Science Club mostly comprised of the dwarves’ descendants, Jay has practically trained for this his entire life, and for some reason I had the most visceral inkling that Carlos and Dude survived because they stayed in the ventilation system and sniped Glimmers from ceiling.

In the Auradon adults’ defense, it’s not like they abandoned the students–it’s just that for that month, the plane on which the Glimmers exist is accessible only to kids. I don’t know, dream logic. It was quite cool in my head.


Some things that I remember happening:

  • Audrey and the cheerleaders last a scarily long time (though, admittedly, they did use other students as cannon fodder between themselves and The Glimmers).
  • The Glimmers have their own nefarious mission to try to get Ben, for an unknown, nefarious purpose.
  • Jay and Lonnie pair up–but pair up as in agree to fight together and watch each other’s backs, not pair up as in romance because as it turns out Lonnie is not interested in boys. But they do become friends, which is quite nice. And they’re quite badass, which is also nice.
  • Jane can access her magic in this plane–I don’t know what the repercussions of that are, but I’m sure it’s important.
  • Via the ventilation system, Carlos ends up in the PA system/Audio-Vis clubroom. For some reason, he also knows that certain sounds can throw off the Glimmers’ ability to perceive properly? And thus is the part in the movie where he blasts some epic song across the campus and the students make their big stand.
  • Evie and the remaining survivors of her Science Club minions stumble on an adult. But… like… a suuper aged ~mysterious~ adult who is trapped in the Glimmer plane and bestows wisdom from their years of experience. For some reason, I’m pretty sure it was actually someone who wasn’t that much older than them but who had aged so rapidly in the Glimmer plane that they looked ancient. Someone’s lost older sibling, I think, who had been forgotten by the kids but not by the adults.
  • During the big stand, Mal and Ben–because bizarrely my brain said they had to be the main characters again–are in a hedge maze which leads to the Glimmer Monarch’s lair. There’s a quiet moment where Ben possibly reveals that he knows what’s going on? Or at least why the Glimmers are so after him in particular? There’s a big reveal, anyway, which makes Mal–who is internally absolutely horrified by this weird month of inter-planar demon war–even more horrified and outwardly so. At Auradon? At the royal family? I don’t remember.
  • Mal does not beat the Glimmer Monarch. Nor does Ben. In fact, none of the students beat the Glimmer Monarch. Mal and Ben have to run away from the Glimmer Monarch (who, of course, gives chase) and they head towards the field where the big stand is happening. There the aged stranger shows up, rapidly de-aging, until they look like a teenager as well. They and the Glimmer Monarch are the ones that fight each other, the stranger wins but dies and with that the Glimmering is over. Forever.

… Now that I type it out, while I don’t think that’s what happened in my dream, I do think that narratively it would make the most sense if the stranger were either 1) Ben’s older sibling, 2) Jane’s older sibling, 3) an unrelated fairy descendant, 4) THE oldest Lost Kid taken from the Isle of the Lost by the royal family as a sort of… sacrifice? Offering? Stabilizer?

… It’s possible there are two strangers in the Glimmer plane, one a Lost Kid, one an Auradon kid. Unsure exactly.

Anyway, it was just a pretty cool dream. Surprisingly coherent for all that I can’t fill in ALL of the details.

Once Then Always, Tetrarch Picture (2016-06-13)

A/N: I really should have been sleeping, but I figured, since I didn’t and I made online dolls of the Lost kids as Narnian tetrarchs (or tetrarchs to be) instead, I ought to post it and hope someone else enjoys them. So pics are under the cut.

I used Rinmaru’s Ascension Doll Maker, if anyone’s interested. It’s a fairly good doll maker, a lot of options.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t make Carlos shorter than the girls, which was a liiiiiiittle bit annoying (pun not intended) but I figured maybe he ended up having a growth spurt during their months in Narnia (a la, Skandar Keynes, the actor for Edmund Pevensie in the Chronicles of Narnia film, who did actually end up having a growth spurt during filming before the Battle of Beruna and so some of his lines had to be dubbed by his sister)?


Like how the Lost kids make different choices than the Pevensies in their journey through Narnia, I kind of liked the idea that they also got different sets of gifts from Father Christmas. Or, rather, different combinations of gifts. So for Evie: the bow and arrows plus the healing potion. For Carlos: the summoning horn and the shield (implied with the across the chest belt). For Jay: not only the sword but also a dagger–because why settle for one blade when you can have two?

So it would seem like Carlos has the worst combo, but I figure it vibes a lot more with what I’m planning to have him do with wolves (that is, not kill them and so he becomes Carlos Wolftamer) and while I’m not saying he’s going to go all Captain America with his shield, it can be a pretty descent weapon (at least in terms of bashing things). And, well, Edmund never got a sword from Father Christmas but he still ends up sword-fighting too. So while Carlos’ sword isn’t a ~special~ sword, he might learn how to use one… Though him also not and instead summoning wolves to him does sound super appealing… unless the horn is somehow a weapon?

Aaand eventually, once Mal frees herself (with help from Aslan) from the White Witch and defeats her in battle, she gets the White Witch’s wand (which may or may not be the Fairy Godmother’s wand but before millennia has eroded it to a mere remnant of itself).

Also, this shouldn’t be much of a surprise, but Evie is High Queen over all four of them–hence the longer cape and the crown.

I saw the latest post on the BH6-au-ideas tumblr and thought you might like it. It’s part 2 of a crossover/fusion between BH6 and Descendants. It looks a bit intriguing and I was wondering what you thought of it.

Ah, okay, you mean these posts, right? Or at least the ones that are connected… It’s definitely very interesting, and I do appreciate how OP has adapted the BH6 characters into the Descendants world. They’ve clearly put a lot of thought and effort into it and I like the decisions they’ve made for who’s related to who… but it’s not really my cup of tea, I think.

It’s a lot of characters to juggle, and it almost feels like the BH6 crew kinda of usurp the Descendants kids. Which, I mean, given the blog is called BH6-au-ideas makes sense–of course they’re going to focus on the BH6 crew–but I almost wonder if it wouldn’t be better to just either full on replace the Descendants kids (that is, Honey Lemon isn’t Evie older sister, she just takes Evie’s place, same with Fred and Ben, etc.) or, have them be separate and adjacent to the Descendants kids? Like–these are the villain kids left behind on the Isle, angry that they weren’t chosen? Or these are hero kids that we didn’t get the chance to see.

Personally, if I were to do this I’d most likely do just a straight crossover–no fusion at all. Because, I mean, Hiro and Baymax literally go through a portal into a different dimension. Like… whose to say that dimension isn’t basically the space in between universes?

And then, well, you can kind of go in two different directions–either Hiro and Baymax (and Abigail?) appear on the Isle or they appear in Auradon. Does Callaghan also go into the portal? Well, you can sort of hand wave some minor canon divergence and say he does. In which case, it’d be interesting to decide who appears where.

Because on the one hand, Callaghan as Yokai on the Isle essentially hijacking the villains while Auradon is distracted by Ben’s exchange students and the sudden appearance of Hiro, Baymax, and Abigail could be cool.

But what might be even more fun is if Hiro, Baymax and Abigail end up on the Isle having to make do with scraps to rebuild the portal, whereas Callaghan schmoozes and charms the royalty by saying a villain (aka Hiro) has stolen his technology (either Baymax or the nanobots). And then there’s the big Abigail is still alive reveal. So…

I mean if you REALLY want to hand wave some minor canon divergence, you can have the entire crew get sucked into the portal (because, well, giant dimension crossing portals in the sky) and end up in the Descendants world.

I guess if I were to try more on the fusion side, rather than strict crossover, I’d probably… hm… without directly replacing the Descendants kids OR having them completely derail the movie plot…

OH! Okay… so… I don’t super know if the ages would match up or if someone would have to be de-aged, but Honey Lemon as Snow White’s daughter (or niece via Rose Red). Which will make it interesting because both she and Evie are super into chemistry. [[Actually… given that the main four Lost kids are 16ish, maybe they’re looking into colleges? Or Auradon Prep alumni come back for the coronation? So that everyone is still the same ages as they are in their respective movie…]]

Anyway, so… wouldn’t it be interesting if each of the Lost kids matched up to a BH6 member? So… Wasabi as Audrey’s older brother who, during his own time at Auradon Prep preferred science to sports and wasn’t really that cool despite being royalty. But, you know, he stuck with what he wanted/was passionate about despite what his parents would have preferred. Alternatively, son of Tiana and Naveen who did encourage him to follow his dreams even if that means not being the stereotypical prince.

I do rather like GoGo as Aladdin and Jasmine’s kid, as the OP suggested–and like hell she’d put up with Jay’s bravado. Although I have heard, alternatively, that Jay is actually Aladdin and Jasmine’s kid that Jafar stole. And, I mean, the naming convention does still apply as Jasmine’s son. (And he was totally channeling street rat Aladdin in the movie). So maybe… ooh. What if GoGo was adopted (as a once street rat herself?) whereas Jay is the biological son of Aladdin and Jasmine.

And, I dunno why, I just really like the idea of the Hamada brothers basically being the sons of the Radcliffes (is that their name? the ones with all the dalmatians) and, well, considering their aunt has a Lucky Cat Cafe. Although maybe the Hamada family used to have a lot more cats but Cruella actually succeeded in making a fur coat out of their cats. Okay, sorry. That just got super morbid. My bad. Anyway, technology and creativity setting you free etc etc for Carlos.

Fred, obviously, is also a royal. But I’d rather not have him be Ben’s older brother, mostly because the whole line of succession thing and just why is Ben king at 16? I’m trying to think of which royal family would suit him best though… because on the one hand, him being the slobby older brother of Chad Charming could be hilarious, but on the other hand he’s pretty spot on for what I imagine either Rapunzel and Eugene OR Anna and Kristoff raising their kid as. Like, yeah, he’s still royalty. But not really the kind of royalty that uh, sorry to cross tracks but, would “play the game of thrones” you know?

Uh… yeah, sorry about that. I kind of totally derailed your question. Or my own answer. Uh, I haven’t slept in forty hours so… please excuse any… strangeness in this post.

Once Then Always (a Descendants x Chronicles of Narnia fanmix)

  1. Once Upon A December by Liz Callaway
  2. Somewhere Only We Know by Keane
  3. The Curse by Agnes Obel
  4. Starting To Turn by Andrew Paul Woodworth
  5. Wolf by First Aid Kit
  6. Iron by Woodkid
  7. Tracks in the Snow by The Civil Wars
  8. Til Kingdom Come by The Autumn Film
  9. Beautiful Ending by Barlow Girl
  10. Home by Dotan
  11. Skyfall by Adele
  12. Woman King by Iron & Wine
  13. King and Lionheart by Of Monsters and Men
  14. Kings and Queens by 30 Seconds To Mars
  15. Empire by Alpines
  16. This is Home by Switchfoot
  17. Time by AD vs Satellite Empire Remix
  18. The Call by Regina Spektor
  19. A Thousand Years by Boyce Avenue
  20. A Thousand Years by Christina Perri

Find it here!
(The link sends you to a mediafire folder, only the zip file is necessary for the entire mix)


A/N: As you probably saw earlier, I’m very proud of the album art (and the related “banners”) all of which are included in the zip file download.

So this is the fanmix for the epic fanfiction which I have yet to write, in which the Lost Kids are the Four Rulers of Narnia instead of the Pevensie siblings (and in which Narnia is the distant past of Auradon). I tried to make the songs reflect the flow of the story in hopes that it would inspire me into actually writing the fic. Unfortunately that does not yet seem to be the case.

I also wasn’t sure which version of A Thousand Years to use so I just included two that I had (I also have an instrumental version but… uh…). Enjoy!


fanmix album art plus individual crown banners for Once Then Always (aka my Descendants x Chronicles of Narnia crossover/fusion)


A/N: … uh… so… I swear I was going to write something! I had even set up some music so I could focus on writing instead of getting distracted by the internet! Except then I got distracted by the music… and then the internet followed swiftly afterwards so…

So, this was sort of nonverbally prompted by @briarberry​​ who recently liked a lot of my Descendants posts and I just kinda remembered for a second that–oh, I haven’t yet written anything for Once Then Always but I would really really like to some day. 

And also maybe a fanmix.

Except all I have right now is the “album art” which I thought looked really cool (though I’m not sure which font I prefer) and then I was like, well, might as well share it so I don’t end up with another Missed Post.

And then I thought, hey, these individual crowns also look pretty cool, so I separated them to make “banners.” Feel free to use them–if anyone’s interested, I can host them on my mediafire account to make them downloadable, just let me know.


Added some text to the banners because… because.

fanmix album art plus individual crown banners for Once Then Always (aka my Descendants x Chronicles of Narnia crossover/fusion)


A/N: … uh… so… I swear I was going to write something! I had even set up some music so I could focus on writing instead of getting distracted by the internet! Except then I got distracted by the music… and then the internet followed swiftly afterwards so…

So, this was sort of nonverbally prompted by @briarberry​​ who recently liked a lot of my Descendants posts and I just kinda remembered for a second that–oh, I haven’t yet written anything for Once Then Always but I would really really like to some day. 

And also maybe a fanmix.

Except all I have right now is the “album art” which I thought looked really cool (though I’m not sure which font I prefer) and then I was like, well, might as well share it so I don’t end up with another Missed Post.

And then I thought, hey, these individual crowns also look pretty cool, so I separated them to make “banners.” Feel free to use them–if anyone’s interested, I can host them on my mediafire account to make them downloadable, just let me know.


I love your descendants fics, especially the Carlos focused ones, and have been enjoying the DoS drabbles. However, reading and re-reading my favorites over and over again has sent me to a world where Carlos ends up getting help for his dog fears from the Inuzuka, resulting in Dude eventually growing up to be a horse sized dog, like Akamaru does in shippuden, and protecting Carlos from all harm. That is all.

Carlos and the Inuzuka?


Oh, anon, you have no idea what kind of brainstorming bunny you have unleashed!

Okay, so, let’s say–as in my Once Then Always brainstorm–the Lost kids are transported to a different world via magical artifacts during the museum heist. After they have some life-changing adventures, they are transported back to Auradon with little to no time passing. (Unfortunately, this is before Carlos meets Dude, but this does not prevent Carlos from adopting Dude later.)

Like with Once Then Always, I would like to have each of the Lost kids have a unique self-discovery journey of their own. Carlos overcoming his fear of dogs (and shitty parenting) with the Inuzuka is pretty straightforward–but what about the others?

But, before that, how does Konoha react to four random teenagers appearing in their village?

Since we do want Carlos to be fostered (or at least not threatened) by the Inuzuka, that means that the Lost kids can’t be seen as infiltrators/enemies/threats. Which means that their appearance has to be either planned by Konoha or, at least, the result of something Konoha did.

Maybe some kind of summoning seal? Or maybe an Uzumaki artifact?

I’m also unsure when in the Naruto timeline I would want this to be–before the Chuunin Exams? After it, but before the Sasuke retrieval arc? Or full on in Shippuden?

I’ll admit I’ve been spoiled by Dreaming of Sunshine and no longer have the patience to put up with Sasuke’s defection melodrama, but I suppose in that case this could be a DoS crossover instead of a canon Naruto crossover… In which case, it’s perfectly plausible that the Lost kids are summoned by Shikako.

Uh, but this crossover would want to focus on the Lost kids… So *insert plot reason for Konoha to trust them* and now the Lost kids are being fostered/trained by Konoha. I like to imagine that–given the terrible living circumstances of the Isle–that the Lost kids are at the very least genin level.

Jay was quick to pick up tourney (which is based off lacrosse which is, in and of itself, based off a ceremonial ritual of symbolic warfare) and, after a few days, so was Carlos. Mal I headcanon to be physically stronger than Carlos, Evie I’m not so sure? I know in the book she was dangerously underweight–then again, all of them are probably suffering from some sort of malnutrition…

Anyway, I wonder if, at first, the Lost kids are split up for training. Probably they’d be treated as one family so they’d get to live together, but while Konoha may tentatively trust the Lost kids ~for reasons~ they wouldn’t be so stupid as to leave a group of unknowns together and unsupervised.

In a different brainstorm for DoS (Team Medic which I made with @kuipernebula) I proposed that an additional genin team would be dispersed amongst the Rookie Nine after the Sound/Sand Invasion that way each team has a medic-nin specifically suited for the team and the genin can begin to get used to the four chuunin team set up instead of the three genin one jounin set up.

The fact that there are four Lost kids as opposed to three genin medic nins is easily fixed by adding Team Gai to the mix. So that means each Lost kid is assigned to a different genin team.

For reasons described above, we would want Carlos to end up with Team Eight–so that he can overcome his fear of dogs via Kiba and Akamaru (and the Inuzuka clan in general). Given that Jay’s subplot in Descendants was about teamwork I would think that Team Ten would be the best analog given that their clans are practically bred for teamwork (the Hyuuga/Aburame/Inuzuka team set up isn’t one that the clans reflect).

Which leaves Team Gai and the pile of drama that is Team Seven–either canon or DoS versions. Given that Mal is the main character of Descendants it makes the most sense for her to be put on Team Drama–also given that her character arc is about her defying “nature” and nurture and choosing good over evil, that would probably resonate very well with Team Seven, especially with Naruto–the optimistic protagonist with a demon sealed inside him versus the conflicted daughter of an evil fairy.

And so Evie is left with Team Gai. Which is actually pretty interesting because Team Gai is the only one without a clan heir, aka a “prince” or “princess”. Can that help Evie overcome her obsession with marrying her very own prince? Maaaaybe…

However, as kuipernebula and I discussed with Team Medic, there has to be some kind of in-story reason as to why the Hokage (either Sandaime or Tsunade) would assign it in this way. But we also figured that it’s pretty easy to argue any given set up. Obviously Konoha will prioritize function over feelings, but we have to figure out what about each Lost kid makes them a good match for each genin team.

Team Ten I actually find easiest to explain because Jay is the physically strongest and most capable of the four Lost kids. Given Team Ten’s set up–that is, the Ino-Shika-Cho and Asuma–if you take Asuma out of the equation (as he would be if all of the genin became chuunin) then the Ino-Shika part of the equation is very low on offensive abilities meaning they’d need another “heavy hitter” to even out the new team of four. Whether that means he acts as protector to the stationary Ino and Shikamaru, or as another bulldozer alongside Chouji depends on plot.

Team Seven, also, is pretty easy–Team Seven have “historically” been the legendary, potential S-class teams. All members have been, in some way or another, ninjutsu buffs minus, maybe, Nohara Rin but for all we know she could very well have been, too. So of Carlos, Evie, and Mal, the one who would most likely be able to keep up with Team Seven would be Mal who has access to her mother’s magic spell book (aka family ninjutsu).

That being said, I’m not too sure what Carlos and Evie’s skills translate best to in the Naruto world. Because Carlos in the books is all about technology which… there isn’t much of in the Naruto world, whereas Evie has her magic mirror and her potion knowledge (love potion and the one that knocked out Chad) which is… ?

But, okay, let’s stretch the definition of technology for Carlos–that could mean either weaponry or seals. Which is a heavy overlap with TenTen–too much overlap, I’d say, but that’s not enough of a reason alone. If Team Eight’s specialty is tracking, then why would Carlos–a weapons/sealing specialist be added? Well, if this is about jumping from genin level to chuunin level, Team Eight wouldn’t just be tracking cats or missing items. They’d be tracking people–possibly enemies. So, for example, if they’re tracking missing nin, they’d have to be prepared for traps of all kind. Hence, weapons/sealing.

And, again, Evie is the most difficult… the potion knowledge could easily be linked to poisons and medicine, while the magic mirror is… I mean, there was that crystal ball that the Sandaime had in the very first episode and which was never brought up again, but I don’t know what I would call that. Not genjutsu… Actually, it’s a bit like the Yamanaka–information gathering and the thinly veiled flower shop poison/medical knowledge–without the whole body-swapping.

How does that benefit Team Gai? Well, as they are before the time skip they taijutsu experts with one weapons/sealing expert. They are a team well designed for either body guarding or taking out non-enhanced human enemies like bandits. With one set of Byakugan and their sensei’s implied talent in genjutsu (which might be passed on to TenTen) they have the makings of a possible espionage team. Add Evie into the mix and they can easily handle infiltration missions, especially if it’s in non-shinobi places.

Now, what is the actual plot going to be? I have no idea… but I actually think this crossover would be more about the Lost kids going back to Auradon after all is said in done, and how their changed attitudes influence the Descendants story. The Lost kids have already had their character arcs happen in Konoha so what is left?

Well, while Konoha may be known as the tree-hugger/soft village–they are still a shinobi village. Despite Naruto’s well-meaning nindo, shinobi are mercenary at heart–they kill and steal and all sorts of nefarious deeds for money or “village security.” So while the Lost kids may not be “evil” anymore, they’re more at “neutral” than “good.” And if the Lost kids have been in the Naruto world through to Shippuden then they’ve been at war and very well might be experiencing PTSD. So now they have to get used to peace–just like what the epilogue of Naruto skipped over.

Tbh, I don’t think I’ll write it–only because it does have a lot of overlap with my Once Then Always and if I had to choose I would prefer to write OTA–but it was fun to think about. So thanks, anon! I know this wasn’t a prompt, but this was great 🙂

(continued here)

Outliving The Ruins, 6/? (2016-02-22)

Carlos is pushed.

Not out of any malice, just a bending mishap, a mistimed pillar of stone jutting out at a different angle and faster speed than originally meant. It shunts him up and, thankfully, away from the nearby cliffside. But that means he is flung towards the ocean instead.

That’s not was he’s worried about–even though he can’t swim, there are a number of water benders in attendance that can easily wash him ashore–what’s worrying is what he can’t see: the invisible barrier surrounding the Isle, preventing people from leaving.

Carlos doesn’t know what the barrier will do to someone vaulted at it at high speed. He’s not even sure how it works–something to do with the Fairy Godmother’s spiritual ability to energy bend–will it just act like an invisible wall? Or is it more proactive than that–decidedly, dangerously, disastrously so?

He can see the wide-eyed dismay on everyone’s faces, his friends’ determined expressions. Jay and Evie have both shifted into bending stances–Jay trying to correct the other earth bender’s mistake by turning the shore into a grasping arm, and Evie sending a wave inland to prevent Carlos’ collision. Meanwhile, Mal is shooting towards him like a rocket, blasts of fire emitting from her hands and feet, trying to reach him first.

Their efforts won’t work.

Time seems to be slipping too fast–he’s falling closer and closer to the edge–and, impossibly, slowing. All these thoughts and observations are hurtling through his mind like he is towards the barrier.

Carlos is pushed–sent flying through the air–and, somehow, goes beyond the barrier.

Avatars are, by definition, capable of mastering all four elements. That does not mean that they can master or even access each element’s subspecialties. There is no rhyme or reason as to which skills an Avatar might gain–whether it’s a matter wanting to learn or some hidden incapability–it has nothing to do with an Avatar’s original element, either.

The previous Avatar, Merlin, had originally been an earth bender. He had been able to metal bend and, despite the clashing elemental alignment, had also been quite skilled at spiritual projection which is an air subspecialty. But he had never been able to master healing, had found blood bending to be distasteful, and while he could technically generate lightning, it would be inaccurate to say he controlled it, much less mastered it.

Mal, as the next Avatar in line, is still young, her powers yet untested; it is too early to say which talents she may learn and master. But Avatars have a tendency to counterbalance their predecessors–in personality, yes, but also in ability. To Mal, lightning comes as easy to her as fire, while Jay’s lessons in metal bending continues to elude her. She hasn’t tried healing, but the rats and vermin of the Isle provide ample targets for her experiments in blood bending.

With all that in mind, what might be deduced about her potential in energy bending?

Carlos goes beyond the barrier.

At first, nobody notices because nothing happens–Carlos keeps falling. There’s no real demarcation of where the barrier is, no corresponding physical wall or visible markers of where to stop. It’s a feeling mostly, according to the water benders who yearn for the sea: sudden onset nausea and weakness and dizziness that only increases the further from the island one tries to go. Not even Uri has gone past the point of the lightheadedness edging into unconsciousness–you can’t bend if you’re not awake, after all, and even water benders can drown.

And so, at first, because Carlos doesn’t show these effects, nobody notices he goes beyond the barrier. They think, maybe they misjudged the distance, maybe it’s farther out to sea than they remember, a difference in high and low tides.

Until Mal, flying too fast to feel her own encroaching symptoms, suddenly stops. The steady flames bursting from her hands and feet disappearing between one instant and the next, all momentum taken from her, so that she drops like a rock. She has the presence of mind to cushion her fall, water bending so that the waves carry her down instead of just slamming into it from height, but for some reason that is a struggle. Absolutely exhausting.

She can’t swim.

Thankfully, from her place on the shore, Evie notices and quickly creates a small ice floe for Mal to rest on. She lets the other water benders tow it to shore because she is still focussed on Carlos who is still in danger from his own lack of swimming ability.

Evie raises a spout of water to catch him, gently lowering him to sea level, before creating yet another ice floe which she pulls back. Carlos still shows no symptoms, even when he crosses back over the barrier.

Already, their fellow islanders are talking amongst themselves; trying to make sense of what they just witnessed and what it might mean.

“Maybe it’s because he’s not a bender,” someone suggests, but that is immediately shot down. Plenty of non-benders have tried to leave–none of them have succeeded.

“What if it’s intent? Or lack of it–he didn’t mean to go so far, after all,” someone else says, which is met with considering noises.

“How does energy bending work?” another person asks.

Another answers, “How should I know–I’m not an air bender.”

For a tiny, eternal moment, everyone falls into silence, considering:

Carlos–an air bender?


A/N: I missed this series 😀

I’ve also numbered it for easier reading (though I do have a part one and part two to 3/? because they are both very short and I’ll probably consolidate them when I transfer this series to ao3).

So regarding elemental subspecialties, according to the Avatar wiki energy bending is a separate “element” altogether (or, rather, predating the four elements) but I kind of feel like it has too much in common with air’s subspecialty of spirit projection for them to be separate? So… yeah. I think it’s essentially just really advanced spirit projection and thus an air subspecialty which is why Fairy Godmother can do it even though in the show we only ever see Avatars (and lion turtles) do it.