I know you don’t really write for descendants anymore, but I finally saw Moana and there is something that I wanted to ask if you thought was plausible. Assuming that Moana was in the descendants-verse, do you think that Auradon would try to put Maui on the isle, because on one hand he’s a Demi god who helped Moana save the world from Te Ka. But on the other, he’s the reason the world needed saving at all and if Auradon imprisoned a god (Hades), demigod doesn’t seem much of a stretch.

There’s a lot going on in the greater Descendants ‘verse which I don’t fully know (I haven’t read the book and only cursory watched the animated shorts) so my interpretation of the ‘verse is mostly based on the first movie (I haven’t yet watched the second, but the GIFs look great) and whatever I get curious about and look on the wiki and decide whether or not to keep.

Because the Descendants ‘verse itself picks and chooses what it wants from the greater Disney ‘verse and some of their own beta canon contradicts with itself so it’s hard to keep consistent with the Disney ‘verse when Descendants clearly has decided to ignore it.

I guess what I’m saying is, thanks for the ask, anon, and I’ll answer based on my own internal understanding of the ‘verse (which is based on limited information anyway), and so it is in no way actual factual for the ‘verse and should not discourage you one way or another.

So let’s go:

First off, Moana was a great movie. I loved it. (It’s on Netflix, for anyone who has yet to watch it, btw). And so given, as you said, the Auradon was capable of imprisoning Hades (a full god) and Maui is a demi god (who was born human and whose source of magical shapeshifting abilities is his fish hook) then yes, I agree, that Auradon COULD trap Maui on the Isle. I mean, it’s not even really that difficult since without the hook or a boat he couldn’t leave even a non-enchanted island which is how Moana first meets him in the movie.

Would Auradon think/be motivated to do so? I’m thinking no.

Plot-wise, Maui isn’t really a villain. He’s painted to be so in Moana’s grandmother’s story because, hey, he stole the Heart of Te Fiti and caused the world to slowly decay etc. etc. But then we as an audience find out he was trying to do it for the sake of humans (in a Prometheus-esque, steal fire from the gods sort of situation, and Prometheus was never considered a villain) and in the end, he helps Moana return the Heart which basically wipes his slate clean. Te Fiti even restores his fish hook so, if anything, he’s good there.

So unless Auradon imprisons him before Moana can find him to restore the Heart of Te Fiti–thereby dooming the Polynesian islands/the rest of the world to the encroaching decay and darkness of Te Ka–then he wouldn’t be considered a villain anymore to then be imprisoned.

Additionally–and this is very much so my own headcanon–I’m pretty sure the kingdom of Auradon only corresponds to the equivalent of the continent of Europe. Both the school and the Isle have characters from other countries/kingdoms/empires–such as Jafar and Jay, Lonnie, Freddi Facilier, etc–because the school is meant to foster international relations in the young elites of the world (think actual United Nations for teenagers) and the Isle is one of the most secure prisons in the world.

Maui would be under the jurisdiction of Moana (or her descendants) as the ruler of the society that he briefly terrorized with his actions and seeing as how, again, he did help restore the Heart of Te Fiti, she/her descendants wouldn’t send him to be imprisoned on the Isle.

If anything, the idea that Moana’s descendants have a guardian shapeshifting demigod watching over them at Auradon Prep is a lot more appealing to me than Maui being imprisoned on an Isle and NOT BEING ABLE TO SAIL OR SHAPE SHIFT. That’d be so sad, anon, so sad T_T

And also, considering that some of the GIFs of the second movie have a badass pirate from the Isle, having a voyager on the hero side would be pretty fun.

Character Statistics: DoSxDescendants fusion, Lost Kids


(data as of Academy Graduation, Dreaming of Sunshine Chapter Four; summoned to Konoha)



(data as of Sound Four Arc, Dreaming of Sunshine Chapter Sixty One; deployed as reinforcements)



(data as of Shippuden; summoned to Auradon)











A/N: Based on this brainstorm in which the Lost Kids of Descendants end up in the Naruto world for a few years before being summoned back to their original world.

I am way too fond of making these Character Statistics posts, but am clearly running out of teams to do. Anyone have any suggestions?

I’m also considering how to adapt this for other media–Katekyo Hitman Reborn seems like it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch, but I also don’t know the timeline of that series very well…

Fake Fic Challenge, any fandom, “In the Absence of Heroes” please!

In The Absence Of Heroes

Tragedies happen when the tropes are hungry and the heroes are in wrong goddamn story.

Good thing they aren’t heroes then.

Anon, this is very clearly a Disney’s Descendants fic in which the four Lost Kids end up in a different universe. I really don’t want re-use previous brainstorms because that seems a little unfair, but this would work PERFECTLY with that “Lost Kids in Naruto/DoS ‘verse and placed on the Konoha Twelve genin teams (to make Konoha Sixteen)” which is still, bizarrely, one of my favorites that I know for sure I will neeeeeever write.

Check out the link if you’re curious, since that would be my number one offering for this fake fic title/summary, but I guess I can come up with a runner up of sorts?

Hm let’s see…

Ugh, this is hard. Because, see, the great thing about the “Lost Kids in Naruto/DoS ‘verse” is that it really is a place without heroes. Or, rather, that heroes are relative there. Of course Naruto is the hero but he’s the hero of a society of mercenaries. Morality is different. Naruto doesn’t like killing and maybe it’s never been definitively shown that he has killed (I legit forget), but I’m pretty sure he has, at the very least, committed manslaughter via collateral damage to innocent people.

And this weirdly grey morality is something that I did get into in the brainstorm, but it just really fits for this prompt. I had, alternatively, considered more of a “In The Absence of Heroes… The Villains Step Up” type of direction but that seems almost too much of a stretch unless it’s–again, like another previous brainstorm Once Then Always – a world and a plot specifically crafted to turn them into heroes. And that itself has its own “morality is relative” sort of vibe. By getting rid of the White Witch the Lost Kids are, by default, the heroes regardless of their motivations or their process or what they do afterwards.

So what I’m saying is, this is still definitely a crossover but I’m not sure which morally ambiguous ‘verse to throw the Lost Kids into…

… A Song of Ice and Fire?

But I don’t think they’d go anywhere near the calamity that is Westeros–there are already far too many factions and subplots that if anything they’d just be a mere drop in the ocean, even though Mal is literally the daughter of a dragon–and there’s no real impetus like in the above mentioned brainstorms that would drive them towards any of the dozens of relevant primary protagonists.

Maybe Star Wars, but then comes the issue of when, where, and who. Like, okay, maybe Tatooine after Obi-Wan has brought Luke to the Lars couple but before the actual events of Episode IV. After he’s established himself as that weird hermit Old Ben, and time and the desert have worn away the worst of the hurts but not the entirety of his compassion.

Imagine Obi-Wan, about five to ten years into his self imposed exile, nothing but sand and his thoughts (and those pesky Tusken Raiders who are only now beginning to understand that he is not someone to be messed with) for company. Imagine him stumbling upon these four horribly ill-prepared children in the desert who might very well die if he doesn’t, at the very least, give them some water and point them in the direction of the nearest civilization.

Except three out of the four of them are, to some extent, Force sensitive. And he’s wary about letting them close, about caring–because look what happened to the last Force sensitive child he cared for, he went off and became a Sith Lord–but he’s also been living through the echoes of dying Jedi and he knows that these kids are as good as dead if he doesn’t, at the very least, teach them to hide their Force presence.

Obi-Wan is not actually that good at doing the very least.

The problem is, I like the contained plot of Obi-Wan finding the Lost Kids and training/teaching/raising them to varying extents (Carlos, despite not being Force sensitive whatsoever, is probably his favorite) and maybe that jump starts his mentorship with Luke? (Because now weird hermit Old Ben is now weird teacher Old Ben, and more connected with the “community.” And Obi-Wan thinks it’s not really fair to give these strangers nothing and not do the same for the boy that in a kinder world might have been his nephew of sorts).

But I don’t actually like what would logically follow next: the Lost Kids joining the Rebellion.  Because they would. They would have to. They were trained by one of the last Jedi and they definitely do not agree with the Empire (though their issue might be more a chaos vs conformity thing than a good vs evil thing).

… unless they join Saw Gerrera’s Partisans?

Which does seem in character–if the reason they leave Tatooine is because they’re becoming adults who want to do more and think Obi-Wan isn’t doing enough by just waiting on this desert planet, then I can very well see them joining the Rebel Alliance and thinking that they’re not doing enough, and so they split off and join the Partisans–though I’m not sure of the timing of everything. When did the Partisans split off? Would the Lost Kids being raised/trained by Obi-Wan help/hurt their cause? Etc. etc.

A foil to the Rogue One crew, I suppose.

I might also consider them appearing in Episode VII on Luke’s old Jedi temple planet, but without knowing how the following episodes will unfold, I’m hesitant to make any predictions there.

Hm… so yeah–here’s the runner up.

I have some more thoughts on this if anyone’s interested, but they’re more just random headcanons of this ‘verse as opposed to anything necessarily relevant.

Fake Fic Summaries, 19/? The Glimmering edition (2017-01-17)

A/N: Strangest thing–went to sleep after gorging my brain on Yuri on Ice fic and the  FFBE game and somehow dreamed of Descendants. So… that’ll teach me to presume wtf is going on in my head.


The Glimmering

They’ve known since the beginning that Auradon is not nearly as perfect as it would like to believe.

They could never have guessed just how right they were.

Wow, okay, so that’s a basically useless summary am I right? But the story goes pretty much like this:

Sometime after the first movie, the four Lost Kids are witness to Auradon Prep’s strangest and most horrifying tradition:

Every year, for one month, the school goes through what is only known as “The Glimmering.” In which for that month, there are no teachers, and the students are left to fend for themselves against weird demonic planar creatures.

It was a bit Battle Royale meets HP and the Chamber of Secrets? In that, the creatures don’t kill the students but they do petrify/erase their memories and, over all, it’s quite creepy really. At least on the Isle of the Lost everything was straightforward–here? Not so much.

I don’t know why, but for some reason the Lost Kids weren’t sticking together for it–maybe The Glimmering happens suddenly and they were in different classes on opposite sides of the campus? Or maybe students are expected to fight on assigned teams?

Oh, right, there’s a competition aspect. There’s a lot of different possible achievements (though who or how these judgements are made… maybe the missing teachers monitor the situation somehow?) such as most Glimmers killed individually, most Glimmers killed in a group, most impressive kill, etc. etc. Apparently, there’s one achievement that hasn’t been reached but which everyone kind of knows instinctively and that is to kill the Glimmer Monarch.

Though bewildered and horrified, the Lost Kids are, unsurprisingly, rather good at The Glimmering. Mal has magic, Evie allies with the Science Club mostly comprised of the dwarves’ descendants, Jay has practically trained for this his entire life, and for some reason I had the most visceral inkling that Carlos and Dude survived because they stayed in the ventilation system and sniped Glimmers from ceiling.

In the Auradon adults’ defense, it’s not like they abandoned the students–it’s just that for that month, the plane on which the Glimmers exist is accessible only to kids. I don’t know, dream logic. It was quite cool in my head.


Some things that I remember happening:

  • Audrey and the cheerleaders last a scarily long time (though, admittedly, they did use other students as cannon fodder between themselves and The Glimmers).
  • The Glimmers have their own nefarious mission to try to get Ben, for an unknown, nefarious purpose.
  • Jay and Lonnie pair up–but pair up as in agree to fight together and watch each other’s backs, not pair up as in romance because as it turns out Lonnie is not interested in boys. But they do become friends, which is quite nice. And they’re quite badass, which is also nice.
  • Jane can access her magic in this plane–I don’t know what the repercussions of that are, but I’m sure it’s important.
  • Via the ventilation system, Carlos ends up in the PA system/Audio-Vis clubroom. For some reason, he also knows that certain sounds can throw off the Glimmers’ ability to perceive properly? And thus is the part in the movie where he blasts some epic song across the campus and the students make their big stand.
  • Evie and the remaining survivors of her Science Club minions stumble on an adult. But… like… a suuper aged ~mysterious~ adult who is trapped in the Glimmer plane and bestows wisdom from their years of experience. For some reason, I’m pretty sure it was actually someone who wasn’t that much older than them but who had aged so rapidly in the Glimmer plane that they looked ancient. Someone’s lost older sibling, I think, who had been forgotten by the kids but not by the adults.
  • During the big stand, Mal and Ben–because bizarrely my brain said they had to be the main characters again–are in a hedge maze which leads to the Glimmer Monarch’s lair. There’s a quiet moment where Ben possibly reveals that he knows what’s going on? Or at least why the Glimmers are so after him in particular? There’s a big reveal, anyway, which makes Mal–who is internally absolutely horrified by this weird month of inter-planar demon war–even more horrified and outwardly so. At Auradon? At the royal family? I don’t remember.
  • Mal does not beat the Glimmer Monarch. Nor does Ben. In fact, none of the students beat the Glimmer Monarch. Mal and Ben have to run away from the Glimmer Monarch (who, of course, gives chase) and they head towards the field where the big stand is happening. There the aged stranger shows up, rapidly de-aging, until they look like a teenager as well. They and the Glimmer Monarch are the ones that fight each other, the stranger wins but dies and with that the Glimmering is over. Forever.

… Now that I type it out, while I don’t think that’s what happened in my dream, I do think that narratively it would make the most sense if the stranger were either 1) Ben’s older sibling, 2) Jane’s older sibling, 3) an unrelated fairy descendant, 4) THE oldest Lost Kid taken from the Isle of the Lost by the royal family as a sort of… sacrifice? Offering? Stabilizer?

… It’s possible there are two strangers in the Glimmer plane, one a Lost Kid, one an Auradon kid. Unsure exactly.

Anyway, it was just a pretty cool dream. Surprisingly coherent for all that I can’t fill in ALL of the details.

Descendants, Carlos, Genfic, ‘as much as they are their own persons, they are also their parents’ children, and you should be afraid.’

Hey anon, thanks for the prompt. It’s been a while since I’ve done any Descendants, so it took me a while to remember but… is this previous ficlet that I wrote not already kind of a fill? If not, could you perhaps clarify what kind of vibe you’re going for instead?

So I’m a bit behind in descendants news, and I just looked up any news for Descendants 2 and saw the costume pics from September. Ben looks wicked in his Isle look, however I wish that the franchise would stick to the Villain children that they have. The books, Web series, and Movies all list Captain Hooks kid by a different name (admittedly he could have more then one…) and apparently the Gastons have been written out for “Gil”. It’s very confusing to keep track of…

Ah, well, I haven’t been keeping track of Descendants news either, but I just looked up stuff after seeing your ask and all I can say is…


Ookay then Disney, you do you?

Descendants has a lot of content in different media formats which aren’t cohesive with each other so there are a lot of points of conflict. My fic writing philosophy for Descendants is very much so buffet style – in that, I’ll pick and choose what I like and leave what I don’t – so I was expecting to be jossed at some point or another.

Like, even my OC takes of the villain kids (Jemma Hook, for the most part) was done knowing that I’m directly contradicting some level of canon – whether alpha/beta canon or fanon…

I’ll watch Descendants 2, don’t get me wrong, but I’ll probably do so with a grain of salt (and, well, it’s not like I didn’t watch the first one without a bucket of salt, so).

Underneath the Red Lights, 2/? (2016-08-30)

Carlos spends–spent–his days making locks. And doorknobs. And latches. And fences. And gates.

But no keys.

Which is bleakly appropriate considering all of the people he ever loved are in prison.

The point is that Carlos works–worked–with a lot of metal. A lot of shiny, reflective metal.

The first time he saw it, he didn’t even notice–it was just a blur of blue and peach–it could easily have been his own reflection even though the uniform is more grey than blue, and his skin more tan than peach.

The second time, he took a moment to look around. Figured maybe it was someone else, the curved angle of the metal bouncing the light bizarrely. But no one was there, and when he turned back the reflection was gone.

The third time, he actually saw a face–a face that he’d recognize anywhere even after five years, a face he thought he’d never see again.


It turns out that, no matter how kind their hiring practices, dwarves are about as tolerant of an employee halting an entire day of production to have a freak out as humans are.

That is to say, not tolerant at all.

He’s told to turn in his uniform and keycard, they inform him he’ll receive his partial paycheck in the mail, and then he’s summarily guided out the door never to return.

“I didn’t want to work here anyway,” Carlos mutters, quietly enough that he won’t be overheard because maybe if he’s lucky they’ll still give him a good reference. Though when has luck ever been on his side?

His unemployment walk of shame is about as awful as a regular walk of shame, worse actually because he didn’t even have any fun to make up for it, but a part of him is thrumming with excitement and a little bit of what might be hope.

He keeps looking in ever reflective surface–the windows of shops he passes by, the side mirrors of parked cars, even each puddle he carefully steps around–hoping to see another glimpse of Evie, but so far nothing.

Maybe he’s going mad.

He’s straining so hard to find her that he isn’t paying as much attention to walking as he ought to–


–he hears his name, a familiar voice for all that it’s deeper and somehow not attached to a body. He stops, nearly trips, nearly–

–a car rushes past him, close enough and fast enough that the displaced air ruffles his clothes, his hair, blows violently against his skin.

He goes straight home–no more gazing at windows and wishing for something that’s not real, refusing to respond to a voice calling his name in a tone and cadence as fondly irritated as he remembers–although home is a bit of a stretch.

The tiny studio apartment he shares with Jane doesn’t leave room for much privacy, but neither of them really care about that because at least it’s only one other roommate instead of the twenty they grew up with.

Their cracked and mismatched dishes are piling up in the sink, their clothes are mixed together–whites and blacks and greys and, on the rare occasions they can splurge, tiny hints of blues and pinks and reds–and the bathroom door isn’t so much a door as it is a jury rigged plank of wood and that they have to either eel around or manually shift. Neither of them have actual beds–not that there’s space for it–so Jane has a futon and Carlos uses a couch that they scavenged from the curb and cleaned as best as they could (it still smells like bleach, which is better than the alternative).

It’s not home, but it’s the closest thing they’ll ever get. Just like how neither of them are each other’s first choice in friends, but they’ve worked hard to make it work.

Carlos goes home and Jane sees his face–pale and shocked and horrified and wild-eyed–and decides he needs a distraction.

“Don’t sit down,” she orders, already digging into their shared pile of clothes and tossing a pair of black skinny jeans at his head–it might be hers or it might be his, they’re the same size so it doesn’t really matter.

“I need your help with something important,” she adds, without elaborating, and it’s not until they’re in line to enter Problématique does Carlos realize that the ‘something important’ is either helping Jane get drunk or get laid.

Whatever, he’s not opposed to having a night out.

It’s not like this day can get much worse.


A/N: Not keen on that ending, but it’s already seven past so…

Underneath the Red Lights, 1/? (2016-08-29)

The week of his twentieth birthday, Carlos gets:

1) fired from his job,

2) nearly run over by a car,

3) tricked into going out clubbing by Jane for their shared birthday, then immediately ditched when she finds someone to make out with,


4) a panic attack fueled by an existential crisis as he considers the rest of his life playing out in terrible, bleak monochrome.

All in all, it’s not as awful as the week of his fifteenth birthday, so he’ll take it.

Oh, he also gets a boyfriend… kind of.

It’s a long story.

The collective kingdoms of Auradon have had fairly negative experiences with magic and so, in a spectacular show of panicked bigotry, decided to ban all magic and lock away all magicians.

Present and future.

Of course, the nobility like to think they’re the good guys, so they don’t exactly go around imprisoning children–but they also don’t hesitate to throw sixteen year old potential magicians into Auradon’s maximum security prison, Maison Rouge. It’s not like anyone really has the power to stop them.

Certainly not a magic-less boy living in a government run orphanage (even though technically he’s not an orphan since, as far as he knows, his mother is still alive).

So when Carlos wakes up the morning of his fifteenth birthday–January 1st, a New Year baby–and finds the three bunks nearest his empty and cold, he only cries a little bit into his scratchy blankets before quickly wiping away his tears.

(Jay’s not there to throw a stolen handkerchief at his face, Evie won’t run a comforting hand through his hair, Mal won’t stand guard and glare at anyone else who might stare or laugh)

In a different way, that morning was the worst day of Jane’s life, too. Mostly due to the fact that she woke up on her sixteenth birthday and hadn’t been in Maison Rouge.

Like him, Jane isn’t actually an orphan either.

The factory Carlos works in–or, rather, used to work in–is dwarf owned. Then again, most factories are dwarf owned. Most companies, in fact.

Forget titles and pedigrees–precious stones and metals, then later oil and technology–that’s where real prestige comes from.

As it is, though, dwarf culture and business practices are a lot kinder than human run companies. Carlos didn’t love his job–it was repetitive and boring and, if he’s going to be honest, way below his capabilities–but considering he only has the minimum government provided education and no social capital whatsoever, it was a decent first job.

Definitely better than where some of his former housemates ended up.

Until, after two years of mind-numbing diligence, he somehow managed to fuck it up entirely.

In his defense, it’s not entirely his fault.



A/N: I’m a big liar who lies, apparently, because it looks like I am, in fact, going to write Underneath the Red Lights – or at least try my best at it.

Hopefully this will reignite my Descendants feels again. Fingers crossed.

So, recap: Jane has no magic, Jane and Carlos share a birthday but she’s one year older, every December 31st the government does a sweep of all sixteen year olds and throws those with magic potential in jail.

Untitled Descendants ficlet, (2016-07-26)

The stories go a little differently.

Small details made important when the ending turns one way instead of the other.

Like sparks turning into bonfires, and flapping wings turning into storms.

The queen triumphant, the kingdom stolen. Ambition and cunning and power rewarded.

All because of one tiny change.

It starts like this:

The Evil Queen ascends the throne, and knows she must get rid of Snow White. It is not a matter of beauty, but a matter of politics–for now, she is queen regent, throne gained by marriage, but that will be taken from her as soon as Snow White comes of age.

She summons her best hunter–not a man who can be swayed by a pretty face and a couple of tears, but a woman whose eccentricity is allowed because of her ruthlessness.

Normally, the Huntress only cares for exotic furs, but for this one hunt she doesn’t mind coming back with a different trophy instead.

For true, the Evil Queen feasts on a princesses’ heart that night, and thus solidifies her reign.

Long live the Queen.

Then it keeps going:

Maleficent is, above all else, a being of magic. The being of magic, even, if she’s going to honest. No other fairies are nearly as powerful as she is, and any other magical being that is more also has far less freedom.

When it comes to magic, nothing can defeat her.

Which is why, when it comes to the little princess and those second-rate fairies, she’s not worried about her curse failing.

What she’s worried about is that terrible little prince she’s betrothed to breaking it.

All curses can break, even hers.

But if the little prince is too distracted by, say, a neighboring kingdom’s Queen declaring war to save this kingdom. Well, then.

She’s not much one for mortals, but alliances have their benefits.

Maybe she’ll give the Queen a thank you gift.

Then it spreads further:

The sultan is a buffoon, so it’s not as if Jafar doesn’t already run the kingdom, but there’s a difference between running it and ruling it and Jafar knows which one he’d rather have.

There’s an Empress in the cold lands to the west, one backed by a magic creature. It doesn’t hurt to be friendly with one’s peers, especially one who thinks so much alike.

And anyway, as royal vizier, it’s Jafar’s job to make sure foreign relations run as smoothly as possible.

The diamond in the rough nearly ruins everything, but the Empress from the cold lands sends… an ambassador of sorts.

When the Huntress is done, she considers her trophies. The monkey’s fur is coarse and no doubt flea-ridden, but the tiger pelt? She could make quite the coat out of that.

It’s not as if the new Sultan minds.

And so the story changes:

The Empress has conquered three kingdoms now, her influence spreading, and it’s unlikely she’ll be ousted. Certainly not with Maleficent on her side.

It’s a large amount of land and people to govern, though no one could say the Empress is bad at her job, no matter how evil she may be. But Maleficent does owe her a thank you gift.

The neighboring kingdom has recently lost their king and queen, leaving only a young bratty prince in charge.

In homage, Maleficent plays the part of an old woman and curses the entire castle.

There is little resistance, with no royalty to stop her; the Empress expands her empire. And she gives the Huntress a thank you gift of her own: a very unique hunt with quite the exotic prey.


A/N: I kinda wanted to do a bad guys win thing… this may act as a prequel for an AU series, though I’m a little wishy washy on that because… I’ve become terrible at finishing my Descendants WIPs and I don’t want to just start up another one, you know?

Anyway, because the whole… different time periods mash up into the present thing kind of annoys me, I was wondering what if everyone was in the ambiguous medieval past. And then, trying to figure out how to put Cruella in the past made me realize she would’ve totally been a huntress and Snow White would have been totes doomed.

And then it kind of spiraled from there because I love political ramifications of fairy tales. Love them.

… This kinda reminds me of my first Descendants ficlet.

edit: now on ao3 as part of Nameless, Worthy (Infamous